Don’t Judge

Don't JudgeI keep seeing people post this statement as if it is one of the ten commandments. If you take a public stand against any type of immorality, you’ll be immediately attacked. People will point out that you’re a sinner too, so who are you to judge?

First of all, the bit of truth in that statement is that the Bible does caution us to be careful. We should not try to pull the splinter out of someone else’s eye and ignore the log in our own.  Understanding this, let me confess. I am a sinner!

However, acknowledging that I do sin does not mean that I can’t call something sin. I confess my sin because I believe that there really is such a thing as sin, and that it is offensive to God. Therefore, I repent of my sin and receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ. If I call something sin, I do so with the hope that those involved in that sin will do the same, not to prove my moral superiority.

I often think that when people say, “Don’t judge” what they are really saying is, “Don’t call this or that sin.” They don’t want to call ANYTHING sin… except judging.

BTW, does anyone else think that saying, “Don’t judge” is ironic? When someone says that to you, it means that they have judged you and found you wrong for judging.

The fact is that the Bible also commands us to judge. Paul chastises the church for NOT judging (both regarding sexual immorality and lawsuits among believers) and tells us that one day we will judge the world and we will judge angels. Paul passed judgement in their absence based on what had been reported to him.

We MUST judge. However, we cannot condemn. That is up to God. Our job is to call sin what it is, and to call sinners to repentance. This is love, not hate.

Here are a few more thoughts:

“All sin is sin” is something people like to repeat as if it’s a verse in the Bible. It is true that all sin is sin, and sin separates us from God. However, that doesn’t mean that all sin is the same. All disease is disease, but that doesn’t make them all the same. I’d rather have gingivitis than cancer. I’d prefer to have neither. There’s a reason that the courts will give a murderer a longer prison sentence than a petty thief. What they’re really saying is, “Don’t call what I’m doing (and planning on continuing to do BTW) bad, because I’m sure you’re not perfect either.”

Another argument people make about certain sins is, “The Bible also says…” followed by “ham is wrong,” “slavery is okay,” etc.. These arguments display a profound lack of any actual biblical study, but that’s not the point. The point is that they don’t believe the Bible or hold it to be their standard of faith and conduct, so how dare you do so. The only verse they believe is the one that says, “Don’t judge.”

This world is hostile toward biblical Christianity. Apparently, everything must be tolerated — except Christianity. When you post something decrying some immoral act, expect to be hated, yes, hated. People will flame you, call you names, and even, ironically, question your Christianity.

That’s the new normal.

Come Lord Jesus. Even so come.

For further reading:

The Nonbeliever’s Favorite Verse” by Greg Laurie

Judging Without Being Judgmental” by W.E. Nunnally, Ph.D.

Don’t Judge Me!” by Wayne Jackson

“’It’s All Relative’ and Other Such Absolute Statements: Assessing Relativism” by Paul Copan