EVOLUTION – Man’s best attempt at explaining where he came from without any help from a supernatural creator

darwinian_evolutionary_theory_wikimedia_commons_photo_6I originally wrote the thoughts below in response to an article that someone had posted on Facebook titled,
Scientists Confirm: Darwinism Is Broken

This is an excellent article, but it is detailed and lengthy. Let me summarize:

While evolution is publicly accepted as fact, behind the scenes scientists struggle to overcome some basic obstacles. How do complex anatomical forms like eyes or wings come into being when there wouldn’t have been the genetic information to create them? Adaptation is a key force in evolution, yet we can’t explain the origin of the capacity for learning and adaptation.

My thoughts:

It’s refreshing to hear distinguished scientists publicly admit the flaws in Darwinism. I’ve long held that the simplest explanation for the creation of all things in general and all the various lifeforms in particular is a divine creator. Even Panspermia (the hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe and the earth was “seeded” by alien DNA) makes more sense than Darwinism, but it still begs the question, how did that alien life come into being?

So, why do we search so hard for an explanation for life outside of a divine creator? I believe there are a few possible reasons:

  1. Scientists have no way to prove or study God. He is supernatural, ie. He exists above (super) and outside of nature (natural). We can only see Him through His creation or on those rare instances where He divinely reveals Himself in a form that mortals can comprehend. Scientists want to explain the origin of species scientifically, so they must come up with theories on how this could happen naturally.
  2. They start with the presupposition that there is no God. While that presupposition is false or at least unprovable, that is their starting point. They have been educated that this is simply a fact. Given that starting point, Darwinism, with all its flaws, is the best theory they’ve come up with.
  3. Secular Humanism / Relativism – There is no god. Truth is relative and each individual gets to decide what is true for themselves. This essentially puts self on the throne and all others must come and prove themselves before this throne of self. (Just remember how many times someone has asked the question, “If there really is a God, then why did this horrible thing happen?” Apparently, if God did exist He would have some pretty big explaining to do before our throne of self.) However, now that we’ve dethroned God, we MUST figure out a way to explain how we got here without His help. Sadly, Darwinism is the best thing we’ve come up with. Though it is inherently flawed, (just keep asking, “but where did THAT come from?”), it’s the best we’ve come up with. We must defend it religiously until or unless we come up with another way to explain how we got here. We must be able to claim, “I did it MYSELF!”

Well, we didn’t get here all by ourselves. Creation is too marvelous and complex to explain without a creator. Any attempt to do so is foolish and arrogant.

Romans 1:19-20 “since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”